Tip for enjoying red wines in hot weather

The arrival of summer (finally!) in Vancouver brings to mind a problem with enjoying red wine on hot days. When the temperature soars, red wines can suffer. They sometimes seem to be “flabby” or lack structure. I first noticed this when a favourite red seemed did not taste as good as I remembered. The flavours were no longer as integrated as usual and the wine was just not as pleasant. (Obviously, it is harder to pick up on this when you are not familiar with the wine.) The problem is — no shock — that the wine is just too darn hot!

Yes, you are supposed to serve red wine at “room” temperature, but that is not summertime heatwave room temperature!

What can you do? As odd as it sounds, pop the wine in the fridge (freezer if you are in a hurry) for a bit to cool it down. You won’t have to put it in for long; ten or fifteen minutes for a glass and a bit longer for a bottle. (Of course, the time depends on how cold your fridge is.) You will be pleasantly surprised at how the wine improves!

Published in: on June 28, 2008 at 12:57 pm  Leave a Comment  
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I will be posting wine tasting notes, details of wine events, and my personal musings on wine/wine related topics.  I am going to start out simply and get a little fancier over time.  I plan to post at least once a week, hopefully in time for your weekend buying.

The development of the blog will be driven by your feedback: what do you like, hate, want to see, etc.  So let me know and I will see what I can do.

Thanks, and happy wine!

Published in: on June 28, 2008 at 12:42 pm  Leave a Comment